Французские выражения в английском языке
Хоть английский и принадлежит к германской группе языков, он примерно на 30% состоит из слов французского происхождения. Виной тому, как известно, Нормандское завоевание 1066 года. Французский не мог не оставить свой след.
Сегодня предлагаем вам познакомиться с французскими фразами, которые часто встречаются в новостях и общественно-политических статьях.
Неуместная реплика
Facing scrutiny for a recent string of gaffes on the campaign trail, former Vice President Joe Biden has been unapologetic in defending his propensity to show some latitude with his language
Joie de vivre
Жизнелюбие, жизнерадостность
Just ten months after the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks, a second bloodbath is sorely testing the capital’s reputation for joie de vivre—and its resolution not to become Tel Aviv-sur-Seine
Безвыходное положение
The EU heads down a moral cul-de-sac in Uzbekistan
Quel dommage
Какая жалость! (иронично)
President Hollande were to say upon taking office: “We have examined the public accounts and, quel dommage, there is no money for anything I promised after all.”
Déja Vu
Нечто затасканное, сто раз виденное
Why do presidential failures follow similar scripts? Why is it always déjà vu all over again?
En bloc
Целиком, в полном составе
This rule allows a Member to offer two “transfer amendments” en bloc
En masse
Повально, все до единого, толпой
Her supporters arrived en masse for the rally
En passant
Между прочим
While the eleven apostles are only mentioned en passant
En route
Проездом, по пути
President Trump is expected to make brief afternoon stop in Anchorage en route to Japan
Enfant terrible
Кошмар, источник проблем и неприятностей, головная боль
Trump has chosen to be the enfant terrible of the West
Esprit de corps
Чувство солидарности, командный дух
The EIB was instituted to build and maintain esprit de corps within U.S. Infantry units
Fait accompli
Свершившийся факт, постфактум
These are not therefore realistic alternatives right now for the pipeline project, which we now regard as a fait accompli
Faux pas
Промах, ошибка
Nevertheless, more than a few presidents have committed faux pas that caused embarrassment for the US and its citizens
Laissez faire
Полная свобода
In the aftermath of the successful efforts of the Roosevelt Administration to steer the nation out of the Great Depression, the business community could not credibly advocate a return to a laissez faire economy
Mal à propos
Such a modest request at such a time was exceedingly mal-a-propos
Антураж, окружение, круги
They must be completely loyal to Putin’s legacy. They must be accepted by Putin’s entire milieu
Par excellence
Образцовый, лучший в своем роде
This is a rustic dish par excellence – wonderful to come home to, or to make for a relaxed dinner party
Raison d'etat
Государственная необходимость
Raison d’État is being superseded by a transnationalising, globalising rationality that I call raison du Monde, at the core of which is the imperative of maintaining and promoting competitiveness in a world marketplace and multi-level political system – the Competition State
Tour de force
Высший пилотаж
Apart from this relatively small cavil, however, this book is undeniably a tour de force of scholarship
В отношении; с глазу на глаз; партнер
Quite frankly, this is my toughest job as a Republican vis-avis my party
Подготовила: Лорена Маткава
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